Will provide additional capability for goods movement outside the Inland Empire.Will allow containers to be processed and then transported by rail to destinations throughout the United States.Will reduce port and highway congestion and expedite the transportation of goods from the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach via rail, the most environmentally efficient way to move freight.Will improve goods movement efficiency and support the supply chain across the state and nation.Will create a new integrated rail and transload complex within 130 miles of the ports and developed/operated by a Class 1 railroad.This first-of-its-kind integrated facility will create 20,000 direct and indirect jobs, improve supply chain efficiencies, and reduce port and freeway congestion around the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.īNSF will use fast, efficient rail service to move goods onto trains directly from the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach through the Alameda Corridor to integrated rail and transload facilities located in the High Desert. The project does not require any physical modifications to facilities at the Port of Los Angeles or the Port of Long Beach.The domestic containers would then be transferred back to the intermodal facility using electric yard trucks, for further transport via rail across the country. Transload Warehouses: The project will include warehouse facilities dedicated to repackaging and processing goods arriving at the Intermodal Facility from international containers into domestic containers.Intermodal Facility: The intermodal facility’s function will be to transfer shipping containers between rail and the transload warehouses, using electric yard trucks.This will improve train efficiency eastbound and westbound. The facility will reduce this dwell time and accompanying congestion on-dock by allowing these smaller blocks of containers to be moved via train to Barstow sooner and reassembled into trains headed across the U.S. Rail Facility: Smaller blocks of containers currently tend to dwell at the ports.Westbound freight will similarly be processed at the facility to more efficiently bring trains to the ports and other California facilities. Once the containers reach the Barstow International Gateway, they will be processed at the facility using cargo-handling equipment powered by clean energy, and then staged and built into trains moving east via BNSF’s network across the nation. The new site will facilitate the direct transfer of containers from ships at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to trains for transport through the Alameda Corridor onto the BNSF mainline up to Barstow. Approximately 130 miles from the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles, the the Barstow International Gateway will be located on more than 4,500 acres just west of Barstow, where BNSF has operated an existing rail yard for more than 140 years. BNSF Railway plans to invest more than $1.5 billion to construct a new, state-of-the-art, master-planned integrated rail facility in Southern California-the first being developed by a Class 1 railroad.